Hire Me Interview Competition
"Hire Me Interview Competition (International Version)" is a great opportunity for international students and immigrants in Nova Scotia to evaluate your communication, language and interview skills, and get potential opportunities to be hired.
Candidates compete in a Resume & Cover Letter Round, followed by a Final Interview Round with real Human Resources Managers and Employers from the local businesses in front of the public audience. The finale of the competition will be live streamed.
Final judges are willing to give out job offers if there are qualified candidates in the Top 3.
The committee will select a job description which does not contain a lot of limitations such as major, background etc. Therefore, any major student and any background immigrant can apply. The selection committee and final judge panel will make the decision based on the quality of the resume and cover letter and interview skills, not by professional knowledge within the industry. For example, the job description was given by Easypass Immigration and the position was Executive Assistant, the final winner is from Truro campus and major in agriculture.
Final Competition: March 30th (Time and Location TBA)
Apply to our Email: nsinternationalnetwork@gmail.com
Send your cover letter and resume to our email, using "Hire Me - First Name, Last Name" as the email subject. Please note that a wrong format may lead you to a failing selection.
If job advertisement and description needed, request to our email as well, with "Job Advertisement and Description Request" as the email subject. You can also visit page Job Description or see it below to check out.
Application Deadline: 12:00 PM, March 23rd, 2019
Competition Process
Candidate Resumes will be reviewed by the Selection Committee on March 24th.
After merit-based selection, the top three candidates will be nominated for the final interview competition and will be provided a free Linkedin photo shooting by the local professional marketing company.
People who are not selected as Top 3 will get an opportunity to have a one-on-one consulting session by a career advising company. All candidates' profiles from the Selected Candidate Pool will be put into NSINS's Talent Pool system.
Selection Committee and Judge Panel
The Selection Committee will be formed by small business owners in Halifax and designated support organizations in Nova Scotia. The final Judge Panel will be comprised of a selection board of real business owners, experienced interviewees, and professional certified consultant. The results will be posted publicly on NSINS’s official website and social media.
Final Competition
The finale is a live interview competition and open to the public. Winner, please be ready to get an offer right away! Final Competition will be held on March 30th, 2019.